1) Modern physics, Copenhagen interpretation, in particular, states that particles collapse into an ordered state only if an observer observes it; particles in an infinite superposition of states collapse into a singular state, i.e. the universe we observe and live in.
2)The tests were done by human subjects based on human observations.
3) Human beings cannot predate the universe itself, neither can anything that exist (except God) in this universe.
4) It appears, then, there is a Prime Observer that exists by necessity to bring about order to an actual singular universe which we live in out of infinite possible universes.
5) Therefore, this interpretation of quantum mechanics coincides with the belief of a creator God in Christian faith.
Possible Objection: It appears that the microcosmic universe (smallest particles) becomes ordered only when it is observed. If God is omnipresent and omniscient, he observed everything already. The experiment we perceived would not have been possible. Therefore, it seems that quantum mechanics and the belief in the existence of God is incompatible.