Sunday, July 12, 2015

30 Things That Show the Unintelligibility of Modern Politics

Through our pride, we tend to believe ourselves to be high and mighty, standing above the dulled masses. We critique the political system of being ineffective but we oftentimes play the part in it. I will fully admit that I am a hypocrite in listing these things. Hypocritical or not, valid critiques are valid. And it is through the critiques we improve.

1) An extreme few can define key terms like justice, equality, and rights without contradictions (those who study philosophy, please pat yourself on the shoulder). Yet many hold the illusion that they understand the concepts to make proper judgments.

2) The people of this age think of themselves as the masters of reason. Yet the only thing that moves the minds of the masses is emotional appeals. Such a claim is a sign of their hubris; blasphemy.

3) People cheer or jeer against a new law not for its jurisprudence or lack thereof but for their own favor toward it.

4) Many think: I want this policy because I think it is right. In truth, they think: I want this policy because I want it to be right.

5) Liberals supposedly fight for human dignity. Yet, at the same time, they fight for sexual promiscuity, an attitude that ultimately leads to sexual objectification.

6) Conservatives supposedly fight against sexual promiscuity. Yet, at the same time, they fight for even more unrestricted consumerism, a machine that feeds sexual promiscuity to the masses.

7) Liberals supported the cartoon of Mohammad in the name of free speech despite its offensive nature. Yet, at the same time, they want to censor the Confederate flag for its offensive nature.

8) Many believe to be spirits of justice for believing in the cause they believe in. Do they not know that we humans are too wretched to even delight in the illusion of being one?

9) Many, especially the youth, claim that they have learned to "think for themselves apart from the people" that raised them. Did you really? Are you sure you weren't swept away by the massive load of information your minds were flooded in college without questioning them fully?

10) People crave rational discourse. Yet, at the same time, they actively avoid advanced dialogues that tear apart their thought process to see what's really there; they cower from those that challenge their conscience.

11) Many actively dismiss religions as "irrational" or "superstitious." But this is but a mask to avoid those that challenge their conscience. They know that they cannot crack the philosophy/theology built  and reinforced by intellectuals over the course of thousands of years.

12) Too many are convinced by political internet memes without questioning them. Is this not stupidity?

13) People show their true arrogant selves on the internet (like me). But they cower away from exhibiting the arrogance by not actively taking in verbal discourse. Writing falls on blind eyes, but speaking falls on deaf ears to a lesser degree. Speak your mind! It is better to exercise one vice (pride) rather than two (pride and cowardice).

14) Many claim that they are being intellectual in political and moral matters. But all I see are emotional impulses; many forget that emotions are supposed  to follow truthful principles rather than have created principles follow emotional impulses.

15) Pride is celebrated. It symbolizes freedom from prejudice and oppression. Funny thing, pride is the reason why prejudice and oppression occurs; evil men, out of pride, think of themselves to be higher than others, when in fact all human beings are equal in substance. As the Christians teach, pride was the first sin.

16) A sociological or legal paper on human trafficking does not move people. Not even a graph on a news article moves people. A fancy advertisement does.  

17) Many claim that they fight for equality. But they sacrifice liberty at the expense of it.

18) Many claim that they fight for liberty. But they sacrifice equality at the expense of it.

19) Many pursue equality. But they seek equality in a wrong place. Their pursuit of legal equality is but an illusion of equality; human laws are mere mental constructs when compared to the Natural Law.

20)  Many pursue liberty. But they seek liberty in a wrong place. Their perception of liberty inevitably leads to the vices they fight against; liberty properly sought after results solely in the virtues.

21) People want to be "free thinkers." Yet they actively seek after news outlets that agree with their biases. Conservatives stick to conservatively biased news and Liberals stick to liberally biased news. How are they supposed to think freely when they are clouded by biases?

22) All things now appear black and white for the government; they do not see multiple colors like a person with proper sight. Do they not know that all things depend on their practicality in particular situations? The practical governance of Aristotle, and Confucius is nowhere to be seen.

23) On scientific matters, we are quick to ask scientists to rid ourselves of ignorance. On moral matters, however, we do not go to philosophers or priests. Out of hubris, we believe what we want to believe on moral matters. We like to pretend that we know everything there is to know about morals. We then make political decisions based on our pretense.

24) Both the extreme right and the extreme left fight for things that are contrary to the principles of science even when they are knowledgeable of those principles; young-earth creationists and far-left feminists.

24) Good socialists supposedly fight for justice. But where is justice in not receiving a proportional due to the work one has done?

25) Good capitalists supposedly fight for liberty. But where is liberty in being alienated by corporations?

26) The prideful youth! They exert an argument but they run away immediately after, before a counterargument is exerted.

27) Very few news outlets have honor. The rest merely seek to confirm your bias, to feed into the desire to be correct that springs from pride.

28) If a republic is to fail, pride will be the source of its downfall. In an excessive desire to be correct, the majority will press on their beliefs to suppress the opposing side that challenges their conscience. One day they will wake up and realize that they have created a tyrannical regime. They will wake up and realize that they have sacrificed liberty at the expense of a false sense of security.

29) In the political arena, the problem of education revolves around money. They do not address the defective moral states and the nihilistic tendencies of a modern person. Perhaps this in itself is a sign of nihilism.

30) Pride is what stops public discourse and the democratic process from reaching their full potential. No matter how many trillions we pour into the education system, no matter how knowledgeable the masses are, if this moral vice that is pride is not addressed, the unintelligible nature of our political arena will not change.

Who will lose? Both.

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